
online training & wellness

GOING Beyond the gym!

EVOLVE is a remote training and wellness program which encompasses many remote features, enabling you to have a sound mind, body and self beyond the gym.

Individual Live streaming Sessions

One on One classes via live streaming. One of your classes per week will include an online check-in which will provide you with self-evaluation and accountability. Sessions can be recorded and sent to you for evaluation

Online Training Hub

Track your progress, receive and log your workouts, track your nutrition, view you calendar, push notifications in app, improve communication, receive information, fill out important forms and so much more.

Leadership / Commitment Board

Win FCSFit swag and bragging rights. 

Nutrition Guidance & Support

Helping you to stay on track and be accountable in every aspect of your physical well being with guidance as to where you can improve

Facebook Live Workouts (FREE to all)

Our Facebook live workouts are broken down into three categories: Resistance, Fitness and Meditation/Q&AEach live will focus on one of these categories 

Facebook Private Group

This is a private group for EVOLVE active training members only. Post interesting articles discussing issues around well-being, read my posts regarding interesting articles I found, talk to like-minded people about everything that it is going on, get motivation and advice and much more.

Other FCSFit Programs

Strength Programs / Fitness Programs