Strength programs

Developing muscles to perform in your absolute maximum state at a moments notice. 

+ Individual Strength

One-on-one classes where both client and trainer can focus on the individual's fat loss, strength and power goals. We will be practicing powerful movement to build strength. This is a great setting for complete beginners who have never trained and have no idea where to start, as well as for the seasoned fitness enthusiast wanting to push through plateaus and/or concentrating on problem areas. We focus on you and you alone. Complete guidance, expert knowledge, continuous weekly assessments and revisions, and customized workouts and plans to fit your needs. Commit to yourself!

+ Kettlebell Classes

Did you know that Kettlebell swings burn 1200 calories per hour? Students in this class learn the foundational skills, principals and movements taught in the StrongFirst community. Kettlebells have been around for a very long time and are re-emerging as a staple part of the fitness industry. They provide a full body workout which focuses on fat loss, strength and power building and so much more. Kettlebell training is great for everybody regardless of their fitness level. Come train with one of OKC’s only SFG certified kettlebell instructors.


Our FORGE classes are designed specifically for the larger man looking to get back into shape through strength exercises, which helps build muscle as well as lose weight. You will join the FORGE community of dedicated men for support and find the power to push yourself to limits you never thought that you could.

+ Strength Bootcamp

Here, we focus on powerful movement, packing shoulders, military presses and so much more, with building muscle mass being optional. You will be training with on of the only SFG certified kettlebell instructors in OKC.

+ Nutrition Guidance

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. You can't outtrain a poor eating habit! A true day of training is easily undone with a late night food binge in front of the TV. Through this fitness and nutrition care package we meet once a month to review your eating and fitness habits. We do everything in our power to get your full buy-in on healthy lifestyle changes until it ultimately becomes just the way you live.

Other FCS Fitness Programs

Corporate Wellness / Fitness Programs